Most important skills to have in 2019 to get hired.

In 2012, there were around 487 million workers in India, the second largest after China. There have been softer recruitments in the corporate sector with just a 2-3% growth rate, while jobs in the public sector have not increased. There are plenty of vacancies but no recruitment. With the increase in population, the number of people graduating is higher every year

but at the same time, the number of candidates getting hired is comparatively lower. I am sure,

every fresher has wondered why. What makes a candidate employable to get hired?

Technology is evolving around us every day and the work industry tries to implement most of the new technologies or versions which are efficient. How do you learn new techniques and stand out in the queue? What are the new technologies or skills for that matter to look into so that you don’t waste time learning something outdated? What are some soft skills necessary for any organization to know that you are fit for the job and how do you cultivate them?

Lots of questions, right? Well, let me give you an insight into some skills that will be trending in 2019 that can help you learn them or improve them if you already know. Here’s the list:

  1. Communication

We all know the importance of communication skills. Communication is nothing but transferring information from sender to receiver with effective feedback. How well the information can be transmitted and received is a measure of how good your communication skills are.

Communication skills are needed to speak appropriately with a wide variety of people whilst maintaining good eye contact, demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience, listen effectively, present your ideas appropriately, write clearly and concisely, and work well in a group. Many of these are essential skills that employers seek.

It refers to the ability to collect and analyze information, problem-solve and make decisions. These essential skills are essential for many different types of jobs in a variety of fields, including business analytics, data architecture, data science, marketing, project management, accounting, business development, programming, law, medicine, and science. Employers look for employees with the ability to investigate a problem and find a solution in a timely, efficient manner.

  • Creativity

Analyzing requires a creative eye to spot trends and understand data. Employees must think out of the box to come up with solutions that are efficient. It is essential for innovation and is a factor affecting economic growth and businesses. In 2013, the sociologist Silvia Leal Martín, using the Innova 3DX method, suggested measuring the various parameters that encourage creativity and innovation: corporate culture, work environment, leadership and management, creativity, self-esteem and optimism, locus of control and learning orientation, motivation, and fear.

  • Data analysis

It is irrespective of your field of career because everyone works with data. Every organization makes attempts to gather data, for instance, by monitoring its competitors’ performance, sales figures and buying trends, etc. in an effort to be more competitive. However, nobody can understand customers’ behaviors and competitors’ performance without the skills to analyze all that data.

  • Research

Thorough research is very important to get effective output for any organization. Research comprises “creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. Finding new solutions that are different than the existing ones is what helps the business to grow.

  • R programming

R has been around since 1995 but has recently spiked in popularity, coming in at number 7 in IEEE Spectrum’s top 10 programming languages of 2018. This is no doubt due, at least in part, to academics and corporations racing to cash in on big data – for example, R has been used by Facebook, Google, and pharmaceutical company Pfizer.  R is an open-source language that was built for complex statistical analytics while being accessible to those without programming skills.

  • Internet of things

Everyone is becoming digitalized and getting an online presence. Hence it is really important to understand all about the Internet. It does not matter if you are not from a Computer science background. Gaining knowledge is never a disadvantage. With a lot, you can be ahead in terms of technology.

There are many other technologies such as Search engine optimization, digital marketing which is trending currently, and so on. If you are passionate about learning new things daily, good luck then! It all depends on what skills you already have and what extra skills you need to cultivate in order to shine in your field. Rest is pure hard work and the ability to love what you are doing. Future Revolution has a capacious domain savvy person, with vast experience in technology. Goal-oriented, ROI-driven focus. We are innovative and well experienced with the best technology to serve you. At Future Revolution, we understand what are the latest skills needed and our team portrays that well.

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